Environmental law

Public contracts (public calls for tenders, public service delegation, PPP contracts and agreements on occupation of public space) ;
Environment (classified facilities, contaminated soils and areas, nuisance, outdoor advertising) ;
Public Service Labour Law ;
Administrative Liability ;
Proceedings in the administrative and other specialized courts ;
Constitutional and European litigation (ECHR, CJEU) ;
Public Economic Law (state aid, competition, privatization)
Semi-public entities (Economic Interest Groups, State-controlled firms, Public companies) ;
Election Law ;
General Administrative Law.
Public and private real estate :
Public works and construction law ;
Town planning, land development (urban planning and regulation, retail planning) ;
Public property ;
Pre-emptive rights and expropriation.
Classified installations
Public and private real estate :
Public works and construction law ;
Town planning, land development (urban planning and regulation, retail planning) ;
Public property ;
Pre-emptive rights and expropriation.
Soil pollution – Waste management –
Water management
Public and private real estate :
Public works and construction law ;
Town planning, land development (urban planning and regulation, retail planning) ;
Public property ;
Pre-emptive rights and expropriation.
Renewable energy law
Public and private real estate :
Public works and construction law ;
Town planning, land development (urban planning and regulation, retail planning) ;
Public property ;
Pre-emptive rights and expropriation.